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Produkt zum Begriff LTE Communications:

  • Marketing Communications
    Marketing Communications

    Get a solid grasp of the methods, processes, and issues surrounding marketing communications and develop your career with an industry-leading text that blends theory with contemporary marketing practice.Marketing Communications, 9th edition by Fill and Turnbull is the leading text that introduces you to the key topics of the subject. Ideal for undergraduate and postgraduate students in Marketing and related fields, this textbook guides you through the processes and actions of engaging audiences with brands, products, and services, from theory to practice.From introducing the subject and setting learning expectations to analysing and interpreting consumer behaviour, this latest edition follows a clear, streamlined structure that focuses on the strategic and tactical aspects of how brands engage audiences. With an approachable style and language that is easy to understand, the text delivers a rich blend of academic and practitioner materials that will help you understand the complexities of marketing communications.The book includes examples of contemporary, innovative marketing practices drawn from some of the world's leading brands and agencies, allowing you to explore the theories and ideas and acquire critical insight into the marketing communications landscape.The plethora of useful features and examples will encourage you to discuss and consider multiple interpretations around the major topics, providing you with the tools you need to develop your career in the field.Marketing Communications is recognised as the authoritative text for professional courses such as The Chartered Institute of Marketing and is supported by the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising.

    Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Business Data Communications
    Business Data Communications

    Business Data Communications and Security covers the fundamentals of data communications, networking, distributed applications, and network management and security. These concepts are presented in a way that relates specifically to the business environment and the concerns of business management and staff. While making liberal use of real-world case studies and charts and graphs to provide a business perspective, the book also provides the student with a solid grasp of the technical foundation of business data communications. The diverse set of projects and student exercises enables the instructor to use the book as a component in a rich and varied learning experience and to tailor a course plan to meet the specific needs of the instructor and students. This edition features a new co-author, Dr. Thomas L. Case, Professor and Chair of the Department of Information Systems at Georgia Southern University. New coverage of security-related issues is included in relevant places throughout the book to meet the needs of the IT/IS schools using this book and the growing emphasis on network security. Additionally, the Seventh edition now aligns with the ACM/AIS IS 2010 curriculum model. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.

    Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Millimeter Wave Wireless Communications
    Millimeter Wave Wireless Communications

    The Definitive, Comprehensive Guide to Cutting-Edge Millimeter Wave Wireless Design “This is a great book on mmWave systems that covers many aspects of the technology targeted for beginners all the way to the advanced users. The authors are some of the most credible scholars I know of who are well respected by the industry. I highly recommend studying this book in detail.”—Ali Sadri, Ph.D., Sr. Director, Intel Corporation, MCG mmWave Standards and Advanced Technologies Millimeter wave (mmWave) is today’s breakthrough frontier for emerging wireless mobile cellular networks, wireless local area networks, personal area networks, and vehicular communications. In the near future, mmWave applications, devices, and networks will change our world. ¿ In Millimeter Wave Wireless Communications, four of the field’s pioneers, including Theodore S. Rappaport, Robert W. Heath, Robert C. Daniels, and James N. Murdock, draw on their vast experience to empower engineers at all levels to succeed with mmWave. They deliver fundamental, end-to-end coverage of all aspects of future mmWave wireless communications systems. ¿ The authors explain new multi-Gigabit per second products and applications, mmWave signal propagation, analog and digital circuit design, mmWave antenna designs, and current and emerging wireless standards. They cover comprehensive mmWave wireless design issues for 60 GHz and other mmWave bands, from channel to antenna to receiver, introducing emerging design techniques that will be invaluable for research engineers in both industry and academia. ¿ Topics include Digital communication: baseband signal/channel models, modulation, equalization, error control coding, multiple input multiple output (MIMO) principles, and hardware architectures Radio wave propagation characteristics: indoor and outdoor channel models and beam combining Antennas/antenna arrays, including on-chip and in-package antennas, fabrication, and packaging Analog circuit design: mmWave transistors, fabrication, and transceiver design approaches Baseband circuit design: multi–gigabit-per-second, high-fidelity DAC and ADC converters Physical layer: algorithmic choices, design considerations, and impairment solutions; and how to overcome clipping, quantization, and nonlinearity Higher-layer design: beam adaptation protocols, relaying, multimedia transmission, and multiband considerations 60 GHz standardization: IEEE 802.15.3c for WPAN, Wireless HD, ECMA-387, IEEE 802.11ad, Wireless Gigabit Alliance (WiGig)

    Preis: 75.96 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Essentials of Marketing Communications
    Essentials of Marketing Communications

    Essentials of Marketing Communications offers a concise and student-friendly introduction to the principles and theories of marketing communications. Written in a lively and engaging style, the book provides you with a coherent and consistent text, blending marketing communications principles and theory with practice. Divided into three parts, the book considers the strategic issues associated with managing marketing communications activities before moving on to look at branding, budgeting and evaluation issues and concluding with chapters on  stakeholders, international marketing communications, and the operations and personnel involved in the industry.The book is the essential companion for undergraduate and postgraduate students studying Marketing Communications. It is also an invaluable resource for students studying for professional marketing qualifications, most notably those studying courses offered by the Chartered Institute of Marketing.

    Preis: 75.11 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Was sind LTE-Tarife?

    LTE-Tarife sind Mobilfunktarife, die die Nutzung des LTE-Netzwerks ermöglichen. LTE steht für Long Term Evolution und ist eine Technologie für schnelle Datenübertragung im Mobilfunkbereich. Mit LTE-Tarifen können Nutzer hohe Geschwindigkeiten beim Surfen im Internet, beim Streamen von Videos und beim Herunterladen von Dateien genießen. Diese Tarife sind in der Regel etwas teurer als herkömmliche Tarife, bieten jedoch eine bessere Netzabdeckung und schnellere Verbindungen.

  • Was bedeutet LTE Tarife?

    LTE steht für Long Term Evolution und ist eine Mobilfunktechnologie, die eine schnellere Datenübertragung ermöglicht als ältere Standards wie 3G. LTE Tarife sind Mobilfunkverträge, die die Nutzung dieser Technologie ermöglichen. Sie bieten in der Regel schnellere Download- und Upload-Geschwindigkeiten sowie eine stabilere Verbindung. LTE Tarife werden von verschiedenen Mobilfunkanbietern angeboten und können je nach Anbieter und Vertrag unterschiedliche Konditionen und Preise haben. Kunden, die viel Wert auf schnelle und zuverlässige Internetverbindung unterwegs legen, entscheiden sich oft für LTE Tarife.

  • Was sind LTE Tarife bei 1und1?

    LTE Tarife bei 1und1 sind Mobilfunktarife, die die Nutzung des LTE-Netzwerks ermöglichen. Kunden können zwischen verschiedenen Tarifen mit unterschiedlichem Datenvolumen und Geschwindigkeiten wählen. Die Tarife beinhalten in der Regel auch Telefonie- und SMS-Flatrates sowie EU-Roaming. Bei 1und1 gibt es sowohl Vertrags- als auch Prepaid-Tarife mit LTE. Kunden können sich je nach Bedarf für einen passenden Tarif entscheiden und von der schnellen LTE-Verbindung profitieren.

  • Welche Geschwindigkeit bei LTE?

    Welche Geschwindigkeit bei LTE? Die Geschwindigkeit bei LTE kann je nach Netzabdeckung, Anbieter und Tarif variieren. In der Regel bietet LTE Download-Geschwindigkeiten von bis zu 300 Mbit/s und Upload-Geschwindigkeiten von bis zu 50 Mbit/s. Allerdings können in stark frequentierten Gebieten oder zu Stoßzeiten die Geschwindigkeiten langsamer sein. Es ist daher ratsam, die genauen Geschwindigkeiten bei einem bestimmten Anbieter und Tarif zu erfragen, um realistische Erwartungen zu haben. Letztendlich hängt die tatsächliche Geschwindigkeit auch von der individuellen Nutzung und den technischen Gegebenheiten ab.

Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für LTE Communications:

  • Data and Computer Communications
    Data and Computer Communications

    For a one/two-semester courses in Computer Networks, Data Communications, and Communications Networks in CS, CIS, and Electrical Engineering departments.   With a focus on the most current technology and a convenient modular format, this best-selling text offers a clear and comprehensive survey of the entire data and computer communications field. Emphasising both the fundamental principles as well as the critical role of performance in driving protocol and network design, it explores in detail all the critical technical areas in data communications, wide-area networking, local area networking, and protocol design. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.

    Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Practical Cisco Unified Communications Security
    Practical Cisco Unified Communications Security

    Master the foundations of modern Cisco Unified Communications (UC) system securityThis guide helps you build foundational knowledge for securing modern Cisco Unified Communications environments that support voice, video, messaging, and meetings, and support different types of real-time collaboration capabilities based on mobile/remote access and mobile devices based on bring-your-own-device (BYOD) initiatives.Writing for administrators and managers, two Cisco collaboration experts bring together methods and insights to illuminate both the why and the how of effective collaboration security. Using the proven Explain, Demonstrate, and Verify methodology, they explain each threat, demonstrate remediation, and show how to confirm correct implementation. You'll walk through securing each attack surface in a logical progression, across each Cisco UC application domain.The authors address key updates to Cisco collaboration architecture, including Expressway, Cisco Meeting Server, encryption enhancements, and advanced business-to-business collaboration. You'll find quick-reference checklists in each chapter, and links to more detail wherever needed.Begin by protecting your workforce through basic physical security and life/safety techniquesUnderstand how attackers seek to compromise your UC system's network environmentand your best countermeasuresMaintain security across all UC deployment types n Protect core UC applications by locking down and hardening the core operating systemUse encryption to protect media and signaling, and enforce secure authenticationSecure Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection, and Cisco Meeting ServerDeploy Session Border Controllers to provide security controls for VoIP and video trafficProvide additional protection at the edge of the networkSafeguard cloud-based and hybrid-cloud servicesEnable organizations to seamlessly and securely connect to cloud UC servicesAllow remote teleworker users to connect safely to local UC resources

    Preis: 51.35 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • HONEYWELL Office Communications Dock - Dockingstation
    HONEYWELL Office Communications Dock - Dockingstation

    Honeywell Office Communications Dock - Dockingstation - VGA - 100Mb LAN - für Honeywell RT10A, RT10W

    Preis: 403.71 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
  • Marketing Communications
    Marketing Communications

    Get a solid grasp of the methods, processes, and issues surrounding marketing communications and develop your career with an industry-leading text that blends theory with contemporary marketing practice.Marketing Communications, 9th edition by Fill and Turnbull is the leading text that introduces you to the key topics of the subject. Ideal for undergraduate and postgraduate students in Marketing and related fields, this textbook guides you through the processes and actions of engaging audiences with brands, products, and services, from theory to practice.From introducing the subject and setting learning expectations to analysing and interpreting consumer behaviour, this latest edition follows a clear, streamlined structure that focuses on the strategic and tactical aspects of how brands engage audiences. With an approachable style and language that is easy to understand, the text delivers a rich blend of academic and practitioner materials that will help you understand the complexities of marketing communications.The book includes examples of contemporary, innovative marketing practices drawn from some of the world's leading brands and agencies, allowing you to explore the theories and ideas and acquire critical insight into the marketing communications landscape.The plethora of useful features and examples will encourage you to discuss and consider multiple interpretations around the major topics, providing you with the tools you need to develop your career in the field.Marketing Communications is recognised as the authoritative text for professional courses such as The Chartered Institute of Marketing and is supported by the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising.

    Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Was ist LTE Geschwindigkeit?

    LTE steht für Long Term Evolution und ist eine Mobilfunktechnologie, die eine hohe Datenübertragungsgeschwindigkeit ermöglicht. Die LTE-Geschwindigkeit variiert je nach Netzauslastung, Standort und Endgerät, kann aber theoretisch bis zu 300 Mbit/s erreichen. In der Praxis liegen die durchschnittlichen LTE-Geschwindigkeiten jedoch meist zwischen 10 und 50 Mbit/s. LTE wird oft als 4G-Technologie bezeichnet und ist die Vorgängertechnologie von 5G, die noch schnellere Datenübertragungsraten ermöglicht. LTE wird weltweit von vielen Mobilfunkanbietern genutzt und ist eine der verbreitetsten Mobilfunktechnologien.

  • Welche LTE Geschwindigkeit ist ausreichend?

    Welche LTE Geschwindigkeit ist ausreichend? Die benötigte LTE Geschwindigkeit hängt von der Art der Nutzung ab. Für einfache Aufgaben wie Surfen im Internet oder das Versenden von Nachrichten reicht eine Geschwindigkeit von 10-20 Mbit/s in der Regel aus. Für das Streaming von Videos in HD-Qualität oder das Spielen von Online-Spielen sollte die Geschwindigkeit bei mindestens 30-50 Mbit/s liegen. Wenn mehrere Geräte gleichzeitig genutzt werden oder große Dateien heruntergeladen werden, empfiehlt es sich, eine Geschwindigkeit von 50-100 Mbit/s oder mehr zu wählen. Letztendlich ist es wichtig, die individuellen Bedürfnisse und Nutzungsgewohnheiten zu berücksichtigen, um die passende LTE Geschwindigkeit zu finden.

  • Welche LTE Geschwindigkeit braucht man?

    Welche LTE Geschwindigkeit man benötigt, hängt von den individuellen Bedürfnissen ab. Für einfache Aufgaben wie das Surfen im Internet oder das Versenden von Nachrichten reicht eine Geschwindigkeit von 10-20 Mbit/s in der Regel aus. Wenn man jedoch häufig größere Dateien herunterladen oder hochladen möchte, kann eine schnellere Geschwindigkeit von 50 Mbit/s oder mehr sinnvoll sein. Auch für das Streaming von Videos in hoher Qualität oder das Online-Gaming empfiehlt sich eine schnellere LTE Verbindung. Letztendlich sollte man die Geschwindigkeit wählen, die den eigenen Anforderungen am besten entspricht.

  • Welche LTE Geschwindigkeit brauche ich?

    Welche LTE Geschwindigkeit brauche ich? Die benötigte LTE Geschwindigkeit hängt von Ihren individuellen Nutzungsgewohnheiten ab. Wenn Sie häufig große Dateien herunterladen oder streamen, benötigen Sie eine höhere Geschwindigkeit, um ein reibungsloses Erlebnis zu gewährleisten. Für normale Internetnutzung wie Surfen im Web oder Social Media reicht eine durchschnittliche Geschwindigkeit aus. Es ist auch wichtig zu berücksichtigen, wie viele Geräte gleichzeitig verbunden sind, da dies die Geschwindigkeit beeinflussen kann. Letztendlich sollten Sie Ihre persönlichen Anforderungen und Budget berücksichtigen, um die richtige LTE Geschwindigkeit für sich zu wählen.

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